Hi, my name is

Elias Kirui

I am a Software Engineer based in Nairobi, Kenya.

0.1About Me

I have 2 years of experience as a Software Engineer. My experience includes developing and maintaining robust back-end systems, designing APIs and optimising database performance.

I deploy the frontend and backend to Digital Ocean and serve static files through object storage via Digital Ocean Spaces.

My main tech stack is Ruby on Rails, Hotwire, Postgresql, MySQL, Sidekiq, Redis, Tailwind CSS, React JS & Laravel.

Ruby on Rails
Tailwind CSS

0.2Where I've worked

Full Stack Ruby on Rails Engineer @ Autopaye

Jan 2022 - October 2022

Worked on a project where users can register & will be able to borrow money and lend to close friends who have registered as potential lenders.
With a team of 3 engineers and one UX/UI designer, we built the project on Fullstack Ruby on Rails 7, Hotwire, Minitest, Postgres, and Sidekiq.
I learned and implemented Hotwire to build single-page applications.
I used Tailwind CSS to build impressive and responsive UIs.
I implemented Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology to ensure code quality and improve software reliability. 
Utilized Sidekiq, a background processing framework, to offload time-consuming jobs and optimize application performance.
Utilized Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the software build, testing, and deployment processes.
Ensured that the CI/CD pipeline was properly configured to trigger builds, run tests, and deploy the application to staging or production environments.
Onboarded a new Engineer and assisted him in setting up the project and configuring the database.

Full Stack Software Engineer @ Snobole Software

November 2022 - present

Worked on various projects. The most recent one was a travel website where I worked with two Engineers and one UX/UI designer. We developed an app where users can book rooms for accommodations. Users can also select destinations from various tourist attraction sites in Kenya.
Developed Single page applications using Howtire. 
Developed and ensured the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications.
Refined initial concept features to ensure we deliver customer delight.
Identified and corrected bottlenecks and fixed bugs
Developed and maintained code quality standards and enforced them across the team.
Continually introducing architectural improvements and refactorings to the code baseline.
Reviewed code to ensure we observe DRY pricnciples.

0.3What I've built

Featured Project

React Admin Dashboard

React Admin Dashboard

Featured Project


A realtime demo of speeding up requests in rails. Over 10,000 books in the db loaded in milliseconds!

Featured Project

Error Ready

A simple error tracker for Ruby on Rails applications.

Ruby on Rails Tailwind CSS Stimulus.JS

Featured Project

Ribrad Laundry

Your one-stop shop for Laundry Pick up, Cleaning, Delivery and Shopping.

Tailwind CSS React.JS

Featured Project


Travel website built using full-stack Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails Tailwind CSS React.JS

Featured Project


A project almost similar to Airbnb. One can register as a host and list the property they are willing to lease out. Clients can make bookings. If they are dissatisfied they can cancel the booking and they will be refunded.

Ruby on Rails Tailwind CSS Stimulus.JS

Featured Project


A SPA ToDo app built using Hotwire

Featured Project

Airbnb Clone

Airbnb clone where clients can login, book property, make payments and favorite & rate properties

Ruby on Rails Tailwind CSS Stimulus.JS

Other noteworthy Projects

view the archive

0.4 What's Next?

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