Asynchronous Code Execution works in Node.JS

This blog is a demonstration of how asynchronous code execution in Node.js allows non-blocking operations to be handled efficiently...


fs.readFile(__filename, () => {



1. Initial Execution:

`console.log('First')` is pushed onto the call stack and executed.
The call stack is empty after executing the first `console.log`.

2. Asynchronous Operation (Read File):

`fs.readFile(__filename, () => { console.log('Second'); })` initiates a non-blocking file read operation using the fs module.
The V8 engine hands over the asynchronous operation to `libuv` and continues with the next synchronous operation.

3. Console Output (Synchronous):

`console.log('Third')` is pushed onto the call stack and executed.
The call stack is empty after executing the third `console.log`.

4. Asynchronous Callback Execution:

Once the file read operation is completed, the callback (`() => { console.log('Second'); }`) is pushed into the event queue by `libuv`.

5. Event Loop:

The event loop continuously checks the event queue for any completed asynchronous operations.

6. Callback Execution:

When the event loop detects the callback in the event queue, it's pushed onto the call stack and executed.
`console.log('Second')` is now executed.

7. Console Output (Asynchronous):

The output for 'Second' is printed to the console.

This demonstrates how asynchronous code execution in Node.js allows non-blocking operations to be handled efficiently, allowing the program to continue with other tasks while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete. The event loop and `libuv` play crucial roles in managing these asynchronous tasks.